News Headlines

Airborne/Barnstorming 04.23.18: We Can Do So Much Better...

I'll Admit It... We're A Mite Frustrated, But We're ALSO Not Quitting... Ever Comments/Analysis/News/Video by ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell We've accomplished so much over the past 20+ years, but now find ourselves with what we consider to be innovative/disruptive and productive plans to help aviation get back on track -- and are having real problems getting them launched. As possibly the last remaining truly credible independent aviation media source that hasn't cow-towed to aero-disappointments like Icon or Cirrus -- or other special interests -- we still have only one allegiance... to tell YOU the truth. And yet, doing so is getting more difficult by the day... with interference or harassment from a number of players who wish aviation ill will -- from associations who won't support any agenda that they can't control and profit from, to the disfranchised, fragmented aviation community that has all but given up on the potential for a brighter future for aviation -- and themselves.

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