News Headlines

ANN's Daily Aero-Term (04.23.18): Precipitation Radar Weather Descriptions

Precipitation Radar Weather Descriptions Existing radar systems cannot detect turbulence. However, there is a direct correlation between the degree of turbulence and other weather features associated with thunderstorms and the weather radar precipitation intensity. Controllers will issue (where capable) precipitation intensity as observed by radar when using weather and radar processor (WARP) or NAS ground based digital radars with weather capabilities. When precipitation intensity information is not available, the intensity will be described as UNKNOWN. When intensity levels can be determined, they shall be described as: 1) a. LIGHT (< 30 dBZ) 2) b. MODERATE (30 to 40 dBZ) 3) c. HEAVY (> 40 to 50 dBZ) 4) d. EXTREME (> 50 dBZ)

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