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Airborne 04.20.18: Continental Jet-A Seminole, SWA Fallout, NYC NIMBY's Helo's

Also: Teamsters Talk Allegiant, Coleman Young Airport, Miracle Flights, IN Av Repair Biz Cleared Piper has selected the Continental Motors CD-170 compression ignition engine fueled with Jet-A to power the next generation of the Piper PA-44 Seminole. After selecting the CD-155 Jet-A engine to power the Archer DX, Piper Aircraft extends its Jet-A powered range of trainer aircraft with the PA-44. By transitioning to Jet-A burning engines, the Seminole DX addresses the requirements expressed by many customers across the world, especially in the many regions where Avgas availability and cost is a concern. "Our relationship with Piper on the Archer DX has allowed Continental Motors to expand its products to provide solutions required by pilot training organizations across the world," said Rhett Ross, President of Continental Motors Group. In its initial examination of the Southwest Boeing 737 that suffered an uncontained engine failure Tuesday, the NTSB reports that the damaged engine was missing one of 24 fan blades. The FAA has signaled that they will be issuing new directives to inspect these engines over the coming days. NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt said that the engine appeared to show evidence of metal fatigue where the blade attached to the hub. The New York heli-industry is under attack, again, by a number of aero-ignorant elected officials. A New York City Councilman has reintroduced legislation that would ban helicopter tours in the city that break "stage 3 noise limits," a standard that the industry says in impossible to meet. The legislation introduced by Brooklyn Councilman Carlos Menchaca would ban helicopter tours in all five boroughs in New York City. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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