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Airborne 04.18.18: FAA Reauthorization, New Bose, Std. Libelle 201 BE

Also: USAF Changes ARFF Standards, Aims Community College, Trent 1000 Package C Update, Global 7000 Extends The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has introduced a bipartisan FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 4), a five-year bill to reauthorize the programs of the FAA, provide long-term stability for the Nation’s aviation community, continue investment in U.S. airports, and make necessary reforms to improve American competitiveness and safety in aviation. Bose has introduced a new active noise cancelling headset for the flight deck, the Bose ProFlight Aviation Headset. Designed for the professional pilot, the ProFlight joins the Bose A20 in the company's aviation headset line. The Bose ProFlight Headset features a lightweight and comfortable in-ear configuration, three user selectable levels of active noise cancellation and a tap control for talk-through communication function that allows pilots to hear anyone on the flight deck that is not connected to the intercom – without removing the headset or an earpiece. The Bose ProFlight Aviation Headset is FAA TSO C139a and EASA E/TSO-C139a certified. More than 50 years after the first flight of the Std. Libelle, a new chapter of Glasflügel history has occurred. On April 9, the Std. Libelle 201 BE with the registration D-KLIB performed the first self-launch. The system uses a 20KW electric motor driving a four-foot two bladed propeller. For Hansjörg and Christian Streifeneder, it was an important milestone towards the certification of the system after 24 months of work. The layout of the concept was part of bachelor degree in aeronautics of Peter Speidel which makes him a key person of this project. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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