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Airborne 02.19.18: TruTrak Vizion Approvals, 737 MAX 9 Cert, Airplane Loan Scam

Also: Frasca Celebrates 60 Years, Klyde’s 40th!, European Plan For AvSafety, Texas Aviation Hall Of Fame The STC for the TruTrak Vizion autopilot has been updated to include the remainder of the Cessna 172 series, the Cessna 175 series, the Piper PA28 series, and the PA32 series aircraft. These aircraft are added to the existing AML STC which currently includes the Cessna 177 series and part of the Cessna 172 series aircraft. The next models to be added the STC will be the Cessna 180, 182, and 185. In July of 2017, the initial STC was issued for the Vizion Autopilot system. The plan for the remainder of 2018 is to concentrate on adding many aircraft to the AML. The FAA has amended the type certificate for the 737 MAX to include the -9 variant, clearing the way for deliveries to begin quickly. This certification marks the culmination of a successful flight test program that began in March 2017 with two Boeing flight test airplanes. Two brothers charged with using stolen identities to secure airplane loans from several banks worth about $2 million have been convicted in U.S. District Court in Worcester, MA, with sentencing set for May 9. Ryan Miller and James Dusten Miller were found guilty of bank fraud, money laundering and charges related to identity theft. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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