News Headlines

ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (02.12.18)

Aero Linx: Association for Women In Aviation Maintenance Traditionally, most aviation organizations are founded to support pilots. Many in the aviation community felt a need for an organization to support aviation maintenance, in particular, its female members. This brought about the organization of AWAM. AWAM is an international organization, open to both women and men and has membership opportunities for both students and corporations. Our membership consists of maintenance technicians, engineers, teachers, scientists, vendors and pilots that support maintenance in one form or another. Our goal is to help women in aviation maintenance and find ways to network and support each other in this field. For us to thrive, we need to seek the companionship and support of others like ourselves as well as other members of this industry that we have chosen to be a part of. Come join us and become a part of what makes AWAM unique. Join the association that will make an impact in the aviation maintenance industry! We have only just begun….

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