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Airborne 01.12.18: JetPack!!!, Bell Heli at CES, Zuma Failure

Also: Alitalia Damages Viola, Gogo AVANCE L3, United Airlines ALPA MEC, Fat Shark Drone Racing Training Kit With one ‘FAA approved’ jetpack allegedly to its credit, JetPack Aviation unveiled a prototype of its next model on Wednesday at CES 2018 in Las Vegas ... the JB-11. The new model has six turbojet engines, and the company says it can fly about 20 miles at speeds up to 150 mph. The first model was revealed when CEO David Mayman flew around the Statue of Liberty in November, 2015. He made a similar flight in the JB10 model over the River Thames in London in 2016. Textron company Bell Helicopter unveiled its air taxi cabin design and fully integrated user experience Tuesday at CES 2018. The four-passenger cabin demonstrates Bell’s view of an on-demand mobility aircraft that focuses on a people-first engineered user experience tailored with an urban air taxi ride. “Bell Helicopter is innovating at the limits of vertical flight and challenging the traditional notion of aviation to solve real-world problems,” said Bell Helicopter’s president and CEO Mitch Snyder. “The future of urban air taxi is closer than many people realize. We believe in the positive impact our design will have on addressing transportation concerns in cities worldwide.” To observers on the ground, it appeared to be a flawless launch. The SpaceX Falcon 9 booster lifted off late Sunday night, and landed back at the Kennedy Space Center a few minutes later. But the payload it was carrying, a classified satellite called "Zuma" for an undisclosed agency of the U.S. government, never made it to orbit. A spokesperson for SpaceX said that the company does not comment on classified missions, but "as of right now reviews of the data indicate Falcon 9 performed nominally." All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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