News Headlines

ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.16.17)

Aero Linx: The Combat Helicopter Pilots Association (CHPA) The Combat Helicopter Pilots Association (CHPA) was incorporated as a Non-Profit, 501 (c) 19 veterans organization in Washington, D.C. on 7 Jan 2005. CHPA is dedicated to multiple goals. 1) To organize and unify U.S. and specified Allied Coalition armed forces rotary wing aviators from all service branches who have flown helicopter combat missions in support of U.S. and Allied national interests; 2) To remember and honor our aviation comrades lost during helicopter combat operations; 3) To conduct national and regional social activities; 4) To conduct charitable activities related to the U.S. and specified Allied Coalition military helicopter community. General membership is open to rated US and specified Allied Coalition military helicopter pilots who served in any armed force service branch at any rank during any declared war, undeclared conflict, police action, or other military event directed by the US or Allied Coalition government in which combat flight operations against an armed enemy force was an integral component in advancing US national interests.

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