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Airborne 10.13.17: Citation Latitude, Global Aviatrix, 500th F-35 Pilot

Also: Eagles Attack Drones, Barnstorming, CAE Master Pilot, BelugaXL, P&WC, Gulfstream G650ER, Spartan College Textron is in the process of delivering the 100th Cessna Citation Latitude. The milestone aircraft, which comes just 26 months after the first Latitude entered service, will be handed over to NetJets, Inc., this week at Textron Aviation headquarters in Wichita, Kansas. “We set out to redefine this segment by investing in a new product with features our customers told us they wanted: large-cabin amenities and best-in-class operating costs. Delivering 100 Latitudes in just over two years is a testament that we’ve got the ideal combination,” said Rob Scholl, senior vice president of Sales and Marketing, Textron Aviation. Shaesta Waiz, the 30-year-old pilot of the 2017 ‘Dreams Soar’ Global Flight for STEM, touched down in Daytona Beach, Florida on October 4 in her now-well-travelled Beechcraft Bonanza A36 aircraft, completing a solo circumnavigation of the Earth. The Air Force trained and graduated the 500th F-35 Lightning II pilot across the joint and international enterprise Sept. 19, 2017, at Eglin Air Force Base. Maj. Chris Campbell, 461st Flight Test Squadron director of operations, is an F-16 Fighting Falcon test pilot with more than 1,000 fighter hours and 245 combat hours. He began F-35 Lightning II fighter pilot training at the 33rd Fighter Wing this summer and became the 500th pilot to graduate the program. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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