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Airborne 10.11.17: KSMO Runway Saved?, AIRR Act Mess, PC-24 Update

Also: DJI Privacy Mode, Legend Cub, P2012 Traveller, Universal Avionics, JetBlue/Atlas Air, Max-Viz, SecTrans Travel A federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order halting the shortening of the runway at Santa Monica Airport (KSMO), which was scheduled to begin Monday, October 9th. In his order, Judge Ronald S. Lew, Senior U.S. District Judge, said that the agreement reached between the FAA and the City of Santa Monica violated California law which requires public hearings on such issues. While the California Public Utilities Code does imply "allowance for adoption of settlements in closed session" ... it "cannot be construed to empower a city council to take or agree to take, as part of a non publicly ratified litigation settlement, action that by substantive law may not be taken without a public hearing and opportunity for the public to be heard.” If you were wondering why the AIRR Act funding the FAA was being delayed again, it might be because members of the House have offered 158 amendments to the bill, though 51 came in after the October 5 submission deadline, and six have already been withdrawn. In other words... it's a mess... but it also gives the aviation world a peek at some of the boondoggles and pointless pet projects that we’ll have to contend with in the coming years. The PC-24 is on display at this year’s NBAA event, with an expectation that Pilatus will obtain the type certificate for its Super Versatile Jet in December 2017. ANN spoke with Pilatus’ Tom Aniello on the floor of NBAA 2017 to get more details. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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