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Airborne 10.10.17: Piper Growth, Sovereign Winglets, AEA Pilot’s Guide

Also: Town Bags Drone Regs, Aero-Calendar, Lockheed Martin T-50A, Galileo, ICAO, Platform Approach, AW169 Piper Aircraft, Inc. has announced some good news with its aircraft sales and deliveries for the third quarter of 2017. Aircraft sales continued to grow in both the Trainer class and M-class product lines with the flagship M600 and the single engine Archer TX trainer leading the sales expansion for the company. The company delivered 42 aircraft in Q3 worth $48.6M. The 2017 year to date revenue performance also grew over the same period in 2016 with a nearly $45M or 57% increase. Additionally Piper product deliveries have grown by 19 units, when compared to the same period in 2016... Winglet Technology has received an STC for the installation of their Transitional winglet design on the Cessna Citation Sovereign. The STC was initially issued on June 20, 2017 and subsequently amended on August 31 to include the entire Citation Sovereign fleet. The Aircraft Electronics Association’s 2017-18 edition of the Pilot's Guide to Avionics will be available at NBAA-BACE this week. AEA staff members will distribute the guide at the AEA booth, No. C6914. This year marks the 15th annual edition of the Pilot's Guide to Avionics, a consumer's directory loaded with educational articles, timely information and data about the wonderful world of avionics technologies. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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