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Airborne-Unmanned 10.10.17: Boeing Buying Aurora, DJI Privacy Mode, UAS Delivery

Also: UAS Firefighting, Self-Driving Cars, Karma Drone Follows, Futuristic Unmanned Aircraft, 50-mile UTM Corridor Boeing has announced that it will acquire Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation, a company that specializes in autonomous systems technologies to “enable advanced robotic aircraft for future aerospace applications and vehicles.” Once it is officially acquired, Aurora, which is headquartered in Manassas, Virginia, will be a subsidiary under Boeing Engineering, Test & Technology, and will be known as Aurora Flight Sciences, A Boeing Company. Through this acquisition, Aurora will keep an independent operating model, while taking advantage of the resources provided by Boeing. DJI has launched a new Local Data Mode that stops internet traffic to and from its DJI Pilot app, in order to provide enhanced data privacy assurances for sensitive government and enterprise customers. Local Data Mode will be available in the next update on the DJI Pilot app on CrystalSky and for select Android tablets. When an operator activates Local Data Mode, the app will stop sending or receiving any data over the internet. Cambridge Consultants has developed DelivAir, a drone delivery concept that can deliver a package straight to the hands of its recipient. The company has achieved this through a drone delivery system that implements a patent pending two stage routing process. The delivery starts by using GPS to navigate to a user's smartphone location, periodically requesting secure location updates during the flight until it arrives within visual range. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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