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Airborne 10.09.17: US Nat'l Aerobatic Championships, World View, VP Pence

Also: Gulfstream AOS, Jump Gyro, Honeywell, AW169, Market Forecast, Webb Space Telescope, Gogo AVANCE L5 The 2017 U.S. National Aerobatic Championships concluded last week and Rob Holland, from Nashua, New Hampshire was once again named the US National Aerobatic Champion. This year marks Rob’s seventh win, tying Leo Loudenslager for the most consecutive national champion titles. Rob also received the Mike Murphy Cup, which is awarded to the winner of the powered Unlimited category. Nearly 100 pilots competed in this year’s competition, in both powered aircraft and gliders, vying for the title of U.S. National Aerobatic Champion. Seventeen of those pilots in the Advanced category flew for a chance to compete with the U.S. Advanced Aerobatic Team in Romania next year. World View has successfully executed its first multi-day development flight of the high-altitude Stratollite vehicle. After five days in the stratosphere, this milestone clearly demonstrates the viability of the world’s first-ever, long-duration, navigable stratospheric payload vehicle for commercial applications with global impact. After a hiatus of 25 years, Vice President Mike Pence conducted the first meeting of the revived National Space Council last Thursday, saying that America will once again lead in space. Pence said that the intelligence community reports that Russia and China are pursuing a full range of anti-satellite technology designed to threaten our military’s effectiveness. The U.S., he said, will refocus America’s space program toward human exploration and discovery. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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