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Airborne-Unmanned 09.12.17: AUVSI Initiatives, UAS v Hurricanes, Collapsible GDU

Also: Hydrogen-Powered Jupiter-H2 UAS, Red Cross, PrecisionHawk, Drone Privacy, Inview Drone Inspection AUVSI announced at a meeting of its Remote Pilots Council several initiatives to promote safety and performance in the UAS industry. AUVSI President and CEO Brian Wynne said the initiatives will support the integral role of skilled and responsible operators in the advancement of UAS. “As more commercial UAS pilots and operators are trained and certified, they will join the aviation community’s long-standing culture and commitment to safety and performance,” Wynne said. "Hurricane Harvey is the first major catastrophe in which drones have been used on a large scale by both government and commercial operators," according to Ken Long, an analyst at the Freedonia Group. In addition to helping keep emergency workers safe and out of high-risk areas, drone use can speed up the recovery process. In the 10 days that followed Hurricane Harvey, the FAA issued more than 100 separate authorizations for drone use in the Houston area. Some of the applications for drone use were reviewed and approved by the FAA within hours, an unusually fast turnaround time. GDU has announced the official launch of the GDU O2. The GDU O2 has arms that slide inside the body to give it a small form factor and extra endurance by making the arms out of aviation grade aluminum alloy. The ultra-compact body of the GDU O2 is the smallest form factor for full-use drones and holds an even bigger surprise – it holds the remote control within the body of the drone, making it extremely portable. It also comes equipped with a fully stabilized 4K camera, obstacle avoidance, a visual navigation system, and a host of smart drone features. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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