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Airborne 08.16.17: Skydive Myrtle Beach Update, WWII Mosquito, USMC Op Reset

Also: New Legend, FAA’s Earl Lawrence, NFL 767s, Boeing Board, Singapore Airlines, NE Drones, Stuart Jet Ctr Horry County, SC government officials have has reversed their story on alleged safety violations by Skydive Myrtle Beach, saying in a cover letter for 126 documents requested in a Freedom of Information Act request that they "may or may not demonstrate violation by Skydive Myrtle Beach of Horry County Department of Airports Minimum Standards, as that assessment has not been undertaken." Two years ago, those same documents were used as evidence in complaints against the business to both the FAA and the South Carolina Fifteenth Circuit Court to shut the business down. A cache of some 20,000 wartime drawings and diagrams for the De Havilland Mosquito were discovered in a wartime factory just days before the building was scheduled to face the wrecking ball. The archive is thought to be the only complete set of engineering drawings for the iconic aircraft. The drawings have been donated to a charity, “The People's Mosquito," that plans to restore and fly one of the twin-engined aircraft that had been badly damaged in an accident. The documents, which are contained on microfilm cards, will provide invaluable technical information needed to accurately restore the airplane, and assure it meets airworthiness standards. General Robert B. Neller, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, directed U.S. Marine Corps aviation units to conduct an operational reset for a 24 hour-period where no flight operations will take place but no operational commitments will be impacted. This operational reset will occur within the next two weeks and will be taken at the discretion of commanders, based on their unit's operational commitments, to focus on the fundamentals of safe flight operations, standardization, and combat readiness. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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