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Airborne 08.14.17: Concorde Return?, KSMO RWY Plans, DC Overflights

Also: San Mateo $$, Verhees Delta, Midwest Express, BizAv Activity, Cal Fire, AAR Ldg Gear, jetAVIVA The Concorde SST was retired in 2003 by British Airways and Air France after the plane's popularity waned following an accident in 2000 in Paris. But there are some who hope to see the airplane fly again, and they have been engaged in a years-long fundraising effort to make that happen. Now, Club Concorde says it has raised the $156 million to acquire one of the retired aircraft and bring it back to flight status both for private charters and air shows. The plans for the destruction of the Santa Monica airport continue. The Santa Monica City Council approved a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $3,517,320 and contract to shorten the runway at Santa Monica Airport in alignment with our Consent Decree with the Federal Aviation Administration. Shortening the runway to 3,500 feet will reduce jet traffic, "bringing immediate relief to neighboring residents through reduced noise and pollution," the city opines -- while ignoring the fact that the city is depriving the country of critical aviation infrastructure. Excuse us if this doesn’t sound like the best idea we’ve ever heard of... An unarmed Russian Air Force aircraft took a low-altitude trip over Washington, D.C. Wednesday -- BUT it didn't cause any U.S. aircraft to be scrambled. The flight of the Russian Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft is allowed under the Treaty On Open Skies. The longstanding treaty allows military aircraft from the 34 signatory countries to conduct aerial observation sorties and observe military installations. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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