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Airborne 08.07.17: Best SportPlanes of '17, AEA Sales Report, AirVenture 2017

Also: Sumwalt Confirmed, Glassy-Water, RAF Changes, SFO Near-Miss, Heli-NextGen, Spaceport Camden, CHC H175 We thought it was going to be easier than this... but a flurry of highly educational emails, calls and remarks have made this year’s selection of the best SportPlanes of 2017 a pretty intriguing pursuit. To be honest, due to extensive feedback, it's been a bit more interesting this year, than it has in the past... While we’re not quite done with the list, a few undisputed leaders have emerged... The AEA has released its second-quarter 2017 Avionics Market Report. In the first six months of the year, total worldwide business and general aviation avionics sales amounted to $1,144,973,499.06, or more than $1.14 billion as reported by the participating companies. The figure represented a 2.7 percent increase in year-over-year sales compared to the first six months of 2016 amount of $1,115,259,960.19. Of the more than $1.14 billion in sales during the first six months of 2017, 56.2 percent came from the retrofit market (avionics equipment installed after original production), while forward-fit sales (avionics equipment installed by airframe manufacturers during original production) amounted to 43.8 percent of sales. The final numbers are in from AirVenture 2017, and by all measures, the show had a very good year. “What an incredible year it was at Oshkosh. From the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and Apollo reunion, to new aviation innovations on display and two B-29s flying formation as part of 75 years of bombers on parade, it was a week filled with “Only at Oshkosh” moments," said EAA chairman Jack Pelton. Approximately 590,000 attendees showed up, an increase of five percent over 2016. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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