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Airborne 07.21.17: TruTrak Completes STC!, SureFly Helicopter, TDRS-M Satellite

Also: Oshkosh Airshows!, M400 Skycar Baloney, Apollo-Era Computers, Rockwell Collins TDR-94Ds, CAAS-EASA, Vega Prepared TruTrak Flight Systems has completed the STC of the Vizion autopilot system. The STC was awarded on July 19, 2017. This is the first autopilot manufactured by TruTrak to be approved for certified aircraft. TruTrak will begin delivering complete autopilot systems during EAA AirVenture. The autopilot system cost is $4000, the install kit is $1000, and the STC from EAA is priced at $100. During AirVenture, TruTrak will be displaying their Cessna 172 aircraft at their outdoor booth 174. Workhorse Group will display the SureFly helicopter concept for the first time in the U.S. at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2017. They will also display the Workhorse HorseFly package delivery drone. The goal of SureFly is to be safer and more stable than a typical helicopter due to its redundant design which includes a lightweight Carbon Fiber fuselage, four propeller arms, two fixed contra-rotating propellers on each arm, a backup battery to drive the electric motors in the event of engine failure and a ballistic parachute that safely brings down the craft in the unlikely event of an engine failure. NASA and Boeing are reviewing an incident that occurred during final spacecraft closeout activities on the Tracking Data Relay Satellite (TDRS-M) mission at Astrotech Space Operations in Titusville, Florida, on July 14, involving the Omni S-band antenna. The mission team is developing a plan to assess flight acceptance and the schedule forward. These additional activities are under evaluation for a planned TDRS-M launch Aug. 3, 2017, on an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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