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Airborne 07.19.17: NEW Kitfox Speedster!!!, Rotax 4 Sonex, Trig TY96A/TY97A

Also: Flt 3407 Families, Zenith STOL, Brandon Expands, BAA Training, Delta Caves In, Sully Defends GA, Global 7000 Years ago, ANN Boss Jim Campbell remarked a that recent flight test of the (then) Series IV Speedster model of the venerable Kitfox was one of the best flights he’d made all year... and he’s often remarked that he missed that sporty little aircraft after it went out of production. That SportPlane’s heyday was in 1992, when Kitfox arrived at AirVenture with the new and instantaneously popular design, the Kitfox Speedster. Further excitement was added to the introduction of this little plane when it was flown almost daily by the late Jimmy Franklin in a low altitude acro routine that could simply not be ignored. That was a generation ago... But now, Kitfox has given the 21st Century an answer to flying boredom, and sure enough, it also bears the name “Speedster.” Sonex Aircraft is introducing a new product from AeroConversions: Rotax Engine Mount Attach Bars. Developed for Sonex/Rotax 912-series engine mounts, AeroConversions Rotax Attach Bars can also be used for custom Rotax 912 engine mounts on any experimental aircraft. AeroConversions Rotax Attach Bars eliminate the need for expensive and complex Rotax ring mounts and Rotax mount rubbers. As a bed mount system, AeroConversions Rotax Attach Bars bolt directly to Rotax 912-series engines and are designed to use simple AeroConversions AeroVee Shock Mount Rubbers, eliminating the complex shock mount geometry found in other Rotax bed mount systems. With the FAA authorization set to expire at the end of September and regional airlines desperately attempting to water down critical safety initiatives which have resulted in eight years of no fatal commercial aviation crashes on US domestic carriers, the Families of Continental Flight 3407 vowed to continue their push to ensure that Congress does not cave in to outside pressure. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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