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Airborne 07.13.17: Amelia Earhart Pix, CAF Corsair, Hawaii Mars Wants To Fight

Also: AEA Pilot's Guide, #OSH17COOL, Hartzell, Hubble Stars, ALPA, FAA Commercial Space Office, Piaggio P.1HH Investigators for a U.K. newspaper say that a photograph central to a documentary which aired Sunday on The History Channel, about Amelia Earhart, does not show the lost aviatrix about to board a boat on the island of Jaluit in the Pacific Marshall Islands. The photo shows a group of people on a jetty on a Pacific island. It was allegedly found in the National Archives in a Navy file by Les Kenny. But, investigators for the paper say that the photo was taken after 1940, three years after Earhart's Lockheed Electra went down. The paper says it had access to the same photo a year ago, and it was determined that it was taken well after Earhart and Navigator Fred Noonan vanished. An FG-1D Corsair that is being restored by the Dixie Wing of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) rumbled back to life last week. The CAF Dixie Wing notes that, "We have been waiting to hear this sound for long time. After one year since her last flight, our FG-1D Corsair is alive again! This afternoon at Warbird Adventures, Thom Richard tested the engine. The test went smooth and now she is only few tweaks away from her first flight post restoration." The Coulson Group, which owns the Hawaii Mars water bomber, still has hopes of getting the airplane in the air fighting fires this summer. But so far, CEO Wayne Coulson says that they've heard nothing from the government of British Columbia about using the airplane. Coulson said that he was hoping that the new government that is coming into Victoria will look at how the firefighting contracts are done, and that it will be a "fair process". But so far, they've gotten no nibbles on using the Hawaii Mars, which has not fought a fire in the province since 2015. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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