News Headlines

ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.25.17)

Aero Linx: The American Society of Aviation Artists The American Society of Aviation Artists is a non-profit organization founded in 1986 with the intent of fostering through art, the history of aerospace. The five founding members share an average of over 45 years’ experience in the field of aviation art. Keith Ferris, Jo Kotula, Bob McCall, R.G. Smith and Ren Wicks have produced some of the most famous and award winning aviation and aerospace paintings in the world. Chief among their goals is to affirm standards of professionalism, authenticity and artistic quality in aviation art. For the past 25 years our focus and dedication has been on the training and education of those who wish to learn from our experiences. For artists we offer training in the traditional methods by which art has been produced and practiced by generations of artists. Our goal for the foreseeable future is to continue in that tradition.

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