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Airborne 06.23.17: Airbus 'Racer', RANS 'Fly To Work', Boater v Floatplane

Also: House ATC Bill, Golda Cox, Boeing Forecast, Concorde Battery, C-130J-SOF, SpiceJet, Flt School Closure Airbus Helicopters has unveiled their ‘Racer’ -- which stands for Rapid And Cost-Effective Rotorcraft. The demonstrator will incorporate a host of innovative features and will be optimised for a cruise speed of more than 400 km/h. It will aim at achieving the best trade-off between speed, cost-efficiency, sustainability and mission performance. Final assembly of the demonstrator is expected to start in 2019, with a first flight the next year. Here’s an idea that deserves to catch on... They say that if you earn your living doing what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. And that may be part of the underpinning of RANS Aircraft Company's "Fly to Work" day concept. Posting on Facebook, RANS says that because its factory is located just off I-70 on the 183 Bypass, they have a lot of roadside visibility. According to the post: "It is fun to let the local and transient traffic know what we are about, so we created "Fly to Work" Day. A St. Cloud, MN man has been arrested after he allegedly blocked a floatplane from landing on a lake in Stearns county with his pontoon boat earlier this month. The boater was identified as 39-year-old Courtney Zack. On June 8, he allegedly blocked the plane from landing on Watab Lake with his boat. The pilot called the Stearns county Sheriff's Office from his plane to tell them he was being prevented from landing on the lake. The pilot, who was not identified, was able to land before authorities arrived, and then became engaged in an argument with the boater in the middle of the lake. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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