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Airborne 06.21.17: A380plus??, Lycoming TBO Upgrade, Drone Racing League Premier

Also: WomenVenture, EAA Pilot Proficiency Ctr, 787-9 Order, Cardiac Drones, Cessna Ldg Gears, A320neo, Nightwarden TUAS Airbus is presenting a development study for an enhanced A380, the “A380plus”. The study includes aerodynamic improvements in particular new, large winglets and other wing refinements that allow for up to 4% fuel savings. Added to an optimized A380 maintenance program and enhanced cabin features, the overall benefit is a 13% cost per seat reduction versus today’s A380. The new winglets measure approximately 15 feet in height (an uplet of 11 feet, and a downlet of 4 feet). It is designed to improve aerodynamics and reduce drag. The FAA has granted Lycoming Engines a 200 hour extension to the TBO on certain engine models. Lycoming requested a global Alternate Method of Compliance to AD 2010-19-01 from the FAA to allow operators to use the time periods specified in Lycoming SI 1009BA to define the time of the next overhaul. In a letter dated June 15, 2017, the FAA said it was approving the Global AMOC requested by the company. ESPN has released its schedule for broadcasting the Drone Racing League events on ESPN, ESPN2, and as a live stream on the ESPN app. The telecasts began this week but will extend throughout July. The races take place in Miami, Atlanta, New Orleans, Boston and Munich before culminating July 28th with the Drone Racing League Championship in London. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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