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Airborne-Unmanned 06.20.17: UAS Orgs v Bad Regs, Anti-Collision, Drone Race $$

Also: Solar-Powered UAS, NK Drone, UAS Survey, Brian Wynne Interview The team at AUVSI is staying plenty busy as they and 13 other organizations authored a letter to members of Congress urging them to consider the potential consequences for the UAS industry if legislation was enacted affecting the federal sovereignty of the airspace. One of the technologies on display at the Paris Airshow this week seeks to deal with anti-collision programs to separate UAVs form manned vehicles. To integrate UAVs into the national airspace, the National Research Council of Canada has developed the Passive Intelligent Collision Avoidance Sensor (PICAS) system, allowing UAS to detect oncoming aircraft more accurately than ever before. PICAS allows UAS to detect aircraft that are not able to communicate their position to other aircraft. And... the big money deals just keep rolling in... The Drone Racing League has just completed a successful Series B funding round in preparation for its second season. The league reached (primarily) into the ranks of the entertainment industry, and came out with $20 million. "We're incredibly proud to announce new partners and investors aligning with DRL to solidify drone racing as the sport of the future," said Nicholas Horbaczewski, CEO and Founder of DRL. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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