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Airborne 06.19.17: Drone Reg Effort, K-MAX Extended, Blimp Fire

Also: ALPA Pilots, Rod Machado, New KCI?, NATA BoD, ATR, Boeing Mid-Size?, Advanced Hawk Demonstrator In the light of recent issues surrounding the status/legality of various regulatory models overseeing the Unmanned Vehicle industry, it was only a matter of time before new regulatory models were put forth by industry players. ADS Infrastructure Partners has announced that it will lead a national campaign to help fund and establish a Drone/Unmanned Aircraft Systems Regulatory Association as a first step to unlock the full economic value of the sector. On June 6th, ADS hosted a roundtable meeting in Washington, D.C. that engaged thought leaders and stakeholders from aerospace and aviation, academia, government, and related industry organizations. The group shared ideas, explored and challenged assumptions, policy positions, and current practices. Kaman Corporation has announced that it has extended production of the commercial K-MAX heavy-lift utility helicopter. The company resumed K-MAX production after more than a decade long hiatus with an initial commitment to build at least ten new aircraft. K-MAX aircraft are manufactured in the company’s North American facilities in Jacksonville, Florida and Bloomfield, Connecticut. Orders for new K-MAX aircraft have thus far come from China, Europe and North America. A blimp operated by the advertising firm AirSign caught fire Thursday morning near the Erin Hills Golf Course in Hartford, WI where the U.S. Open Golf Tournament had just gotten underway. One person, the pilot, was injured in the accident. Witnesses said the aircraft caught fire in flight, after which it went down near the golf course where the tournament was being played. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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