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Airborne 06.16.17: Bob Hoover Academy, Drone Racing League, Citation Longitude

Also: N Korean Drone, JetBlue, C Series, ICAO Emissions, ALPA Pilots, Zenith Aircraft Air show pilot and industry leader Sean D. Tucker has created the Bob Hoover Academy, partnering with the Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE) to build a high school program that targets at-risk-youth in the Salinas Valley, using aviation as the carrot to inspire excellence. In an email announcing the launch, Tucker said that just a month before he passed, he was at Mr. Hoover's home and requested his permission to rename his nonprofit in his honor, as the program matched perfectly with his core values of patriotism, tenacity, humility, and his belief that no matter rich or poor, your dreams were important. At that moment “Every Kid Can Fly” became the "Bob Hoover Academy”. The Drone Racing League has just completed a successful Series B funding round as it looks ahead to its second season. The league reached (primarily) into the ranks of the entertainment industry, and came out with $20 million. A suspected North Korean drone was discovered crashed in a wooded area in South Korea near the border last Friday, and it held several images of U.S. missile sites. The find was confirmed by a South Korean Defense Ministry official. Among the hundreds of images recovered from the drone's Sony-made built-in camera were 10 showing U.S. missile launcher and radar installations that had been installed in the town of Seongju earlier this year. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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