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Airborne 06.15.17: Tibbetts IV Flies Doc, World View Stratollite, Falcon Heavy

Also: Twilight Flight Fest, AIP2017, Mayors v ATC Reform, Expo Kaput, SWA Emergency, LM-100J, New PGPD Helo Wichita’s beloved B-29 Superfortress, Doc, took to the skies yet again June 9, 2017, from McConnell Air Force Base, this time with an added aspect of historical significance and Air Force heritage. Sitting in the co-pilot seat was Brig. Gen. Paul Tibbets IV, the 509th Bomb Wing commander. Taking control of the aircraft means he has now flown the only two currently operational B-29s, Doc and Fifi. In 1998, Tibbets IV, flew Fifi with his grandfather, retired Brig. Gen. Paul Tibbets Jr., who piloted the B-29 Enola Gay when the aircraft and its crew dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, helping end World War II. World View has announced it will launch the first extended duration development flight of its high-altitude Stratollite vehicle later this month, carrying a commercial payload. With the launch window opening on June 21, this will be World View’s first ever live broadcast launch, and its most important to date for the Stratollite vehicle. The Falcon Heavy could have its first flight in as little as three months, according to a Tweet from SpaceX Founder Elon Musk. In a Tweet posted June 8, Musk said "All Falcon Heavy cores should be at the cape in two to three months, so launch should happen a month after that. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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