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Airborne 06.14.17: WACO Amphib!, Will ATC Plan Feed Deficit?, iFly GPS Version 1

Also: Legend Cub, F-35A Update, Daher's Thermoplastics, Airtext, Apollo 16, WAI Lauds ARC, Cherokee Nation Tech The WACO ‘Skunk Worx’ reports they are working on something really fun (and wet). That is, assuming you consider splashing around lakes in an amphibious WACO, fun. The company reports that construction has started using a damaged YMF-5C as the parts donor to create its first Amphibious Float Plane, the YMF-5F. The imminent approval of the new MT Constant Speed propeller combined with the new 300 HP Jacobs make an amphibious float equipped WACO not only possible but also much more functional. Privatizing Air Traffic Control will potentially add $20 to $46 billion to the federal deficit, according to the budget released by the White House. The shift of ATC from the FAA to a private, non-profit corporation would reportedly raise the deficit $46 billion over the next 10 years. But the same document argues that $26 billion of that can be attributed to growth at the FAA over the same period, and that the actual cost of privatizing ATC would be about $20 billion. Adventure Pilot has announced the release of iFly GPS version 10.0 for all iFly Devices, Android, iOS, and Windows. The software now runs on Windows based Tablets, Laptops, and PCs. iFly GPS for Windows is a free download, available for everyone wanting to take advantage of iFly’s easy to use interface for flight planning, aviation weather, navigation, and more. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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