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Airborne 05.26.17: Elvis' Jetstar, ACJ330neo, Redbull's Muroya Aims For Chiba

Also: Revitalizing The Aero-Verse, NAAA's Concerns, 737 Air Tankers, SD Air & Space Museum, LAX Mishap, Avidyne After sitting on a runway in Roswell, NM for more than 30 years, a significant piece of Elvis memorabilia is about to go under the auctioneer's gavel. The King's private JetStar airplane will be auctioned on May 27 by GWS Auctions in California. The opening bid is $10,000, but the auction house estimates the value of the airplane, which is missing its engines, at between $2 and $3.5 million. The aircraft is said to be the "lost" jet that Elvis owned with his father, Vernon Presley. Airbus Corporate Jets has launched a private jet version of its new A330neo. Called the ACJ330neo, it will fly 25 passengers 9,400 nm or 20 hours, enough to fly nonstop from Europe to Australia. The ACJ330neo cabin readily accommodates conference/dining areas, a private office, bedroom, bathroom and guest seating, and can be fully customized to suit customer needs. Recent A330 advances include new-generation Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engines, Sharklet wingtips and improved maximum take-off weights, delivering hugely better payload and range. Japanese hometown hero Yoshihide Muroya returns to Chiba on June 3-4 at a career high in the overall Red Bull Air Race World Championship standings. Muroya is the defending race winner in the city, and he’s also hot off a win in the US; but so far this season, no pilot has managed to stand on the podium more than once. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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