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Airborne 05.25.17: DJI Spark!, S. Lakeland Airport, Moon Rock Sample

Also: Airbus Corporate Helos, Airborne Expansion, Gulfstream G600, Gogo Business, MilFuel, Aerion And GE, Pro Line Fusion DJI has just introduced the Spark, which they call an "easy-to-use, fun-to-fly mini camera drone that lifts off from the palm of your hand to capture and share the special moments in your life on the go." The little drone’s aims are clear... keep it simple... using a number of new control concepts that range from an ingenious cadre of specialized hand gestures to mobile device control to quasi-conventional Flight controllers... and to incorporate scads of accessories and additional functionality. The revised DJI APP support is impressive. Triton Aerospace, a Chinese corporation with U.S. operations based in Washington State, has purchased the South Lakeland (FL) airport for $2 million with plans to establish a training and support center. The airport, on the south side of Lakeland Linder Airport has had its share of issues and problems over the years, but few thought it would attract this kind of interest. Nancy Lee Carlson owns something that NASA would really like to have back ... a sample of moon dust collected by Neil Armstrong on his historic mission to the moon. Carlson purchased the sample at an online auction on behalf of the US. Marshal's service several years ago. The sample had been part of a bundle with other artifacts that Carlson purchased for less than $1,000. She sent the zippered bag to NASA for authentication, and they said it had been a mistake for it to be sold, and said they were keeping it. That led to a court battle... All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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