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Airborne-Unmanned 05.23.17: Courts Nix Model Regs, Autonymous Flt, WATT 300

Also: King Schools Update, Kittyhawk APP, Robird And Integrated Drone Solutions, ICAO Drone Tracking The unmanned community got a bit of a jolt late last week when the US Court of Appeals shot down the FAA’s regulation of recreational unmanned aircraft systems... Industry reaction has been swift... AUVSI has some concerns with the aftermath of the ruling, as President and CEO, Brian Wynne clearly expressed, “AUVSI is disappointed with the decision today by the U.S. Court of Appeals to reject the FAA’s rule for registering recreational unmanned aircraft systems. A UAS registration system is important to promote accountability and responsibility by users of the national airspace, and helps create a culture of safety that deters careless and reckless behavior. We plan to work with Congress on a legislative solution that will ensure continued accountability across the entire aviation community, both manned and unmanned." Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe earned serious bragging rights as he became the first sitting governor to fly in a fully automated aircraft during an 8-minute flight that took place last Thursday following the opening of NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Research Center UAS runway. Drone Aviation unveiled the new WATT 300 heavy-lift tethered multirotor drone and an upgraded military WASP aerostat platform at the 2017 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC). All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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