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Airborne 04.19.17: Planes Of Fame Update, Red Bull Races, Aerocet TSO

Also: Continental MSB, Great Lakes, Delta Orders, NAHF 2017, 737 MAX 8, A350-1000, 'Graphic Forecasts For Aviation' The petition supporting the Planes of Fame Air Museum Air Show has crossed the 15,000 signature mark, on the way to 25,000. In an update, Planes of Fame Executive Director Steve Hinton said the museum is moving ahead with all plans and preparations for the show, which will continue "until the court tells us otherwise." Comments and letters have come from people in our own community, all over the state of California, the midwest and east coast, and places like Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, the U.K. Germany and Japan. As one upset followed another at the second stop of the 2017 Red Bull Air Race World Championship in San Diego, California last Sunday, Yoshihide “Yoshi” Muroya of Japan was the only pilot with the consistency to earn the win. Muroya ended up dominating the Final 4 with a time of 58.529 in front of more than 40,000 fans over the race weekend. The FAA has granted TSO approval to Aerocet for their 6750 straight Twin Seaplane Floats. An STC, which would allow the floats to be installed as certified on an aircraft, is also close to completion. Aerocet has installed the 6750 straight floats onto a Quest Kodiak 100. Initial float performance results are exceptional and are demonstrating Aerocet’s signature characteristics of being quick on the step, a large “sweet spot” and are even lighter than expected. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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