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Airborne 04.18.17: Bk160 Gabriél, Fuller v Airlines, Drone NIMBYs

Also: Co WWII Museum, Aero-Calendar, AIAA, B/E Aerospace, Shuttle Tile, Gripen Biofuel, Drone Bust Italian aircraft manufacturer Blackshape introduced the new Bk160 – Gabriél at AERO Friedrichshafen. The company said that the Bk160 – Gabriél represents a major milestone in the small aircraft sector with a full glass-cockpit resembling modern military trainers. The airplanes aggressive attitude with sporty finishing are inspired by the hand-made tailor style with a touch of "Italianness" in its design. Former AOPA Boss, Craig Fuller, continues to make a lot of sense as he opines that we should be wary of what he says are "alternative facts" around airspace modernization talks. Fuller says that White House Economic Advisor Gary Cohn participated in a recent "White House Town Hall meeting" focused on infrastructure and other initiatives. He believes that many "alternative facts" were presented while discussing ATC privatization. Here we go again... The Toms River, New Jersey, town council has introduced a very restrictive ban on small UAVs in response to alleged complaints from residents. The ordinance would ban all flights under 400 feet, with penalties as high as $2,000 and up to 90 days in jail. A Councilman claims that there have been increasing complaints about drones. He said residents have complained about the aircraft flying overhead, with one neighborhood expressing upset about a real estate agent using a drone. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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