News Headlines

ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (04.16.17)

Aero Linx: The Northern California Soaring Association (NCSA) The Northern California Soaring Association (NCSA) is located at Byron Airport in Contra Costa county, CA, approx 40 miles east of San Francisco. The NCSA is the only club in the San Francisco Bay Area that offers its members basic gliding (sailplane) lessons, as well as encouraging progression to cross country soaring. The club operates on weekends, although flying may also be scheduled on weekdays depending on the interest and availability of members. During the summer several of the clubs gliders are moved to soaring sites in the Sierra Nevada to take advantage of the superb soaring conditions in the mountains. The club has two tow planes and uses 3 Grob 103's for basic to advanced instruction and flights by club members. Club members can also fly a single seat Grob 102 and a SGS 1-26.

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