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Airborne 03.24.17: GA v Privatization, FAA UAS $$$, Mexico Fines

Also: NASA Authorization, Av-Associations, Essential Air Services, Kite String, Rotax @SnF, Car v Plane, FAA Forecast With the need to authorize the FAA before September 30 of this year, a host of GA leaders have joined together to send letters to House and Senate transportation leaders underscoring their, “real and long-standing concerns” regarding a concept being pushed by some big airlines regarding ATC. Specifically, the organizations cited concerns over a proposal promoted by some big airlines for the creation of “a new governance and funding model for our nation's aviation system, based on systems in other parts of the world. In a memo dated March 7, 2017, the FAA asks its Drone Advisory Committee (DAC) - Task Group 3 to explore ways to increase funding for the integration of UAVs into the National Airspace. "The FAA would welcome consideration of a broad array of options, including industry assuming a lead role for certain aspects, or public-private partnerships between government and industry," the memo, written by Victoria B. Wassmer, Deputy Administrator and Chief NextGen Officer and DAC Designated Federal Official, states. Last December, pilots visiting Mexico were informed that all foreign aircraft were required to leave the country by January 1. Failure to do so resulted in aircraft being grounded until a fine of up to $4,000 was paid to Mexico. California resident Brian Conway has established a GoFundMe site to raise money for legal fees for those pilots and owners who are fighting the imposition of the fines. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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