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Airborne 03.22.17: Canada Drone Regs, Fuller On ATC, Harrier For Sale

Also: Affordable ADS-B, Mars Beer, Best Tugs, Collins TXP, CAE 70th, Historic WWII Tour, RARA Design Contest The Canadian government had released new regulations for recreational drone operators that carry hefty penalties for violators. The new rules apply to aircraft weighing between about half a pound and 77 pounds being flown non-commercially. Under the rules, recreational drones may not be flown higher than 90 meters (about 295 feet) above the ground; closer than 75 meters (about 245 feet) from buildings, vehicles, vessels, animals, people/crowds; and closer than 9 kilometers (about 5.6 miles) from the center of any "aerodrome" ... defined as anywhere that aircraft take off and land. The apparent support for privatizing Air Traffic Control in the FY2018 budget has brought strong reaction from both sides of the issue. Writing in The Hill, former AOPA president and CEO Craig Fuller, now a consultant on aviation issues, says that spinning off ATC to a private, non-profit entity could considerably slow the implementation of Nextgen. Rumor has it that ANN’s Jim Campbell is already cashing in his piggy bank for this one... A Harrier GR3 Jump Jet has been restored in the U.K. and is being offered for sale by Jet Art Aviation. The company calls the aircraft (XZ130) a "very complete" jump jet that first flew in 1976 and operated with several squadrons. The aircraft served in the Falklands war in 1982 before returning to England and becoming an instructional aircraft. It last flew for the RAF in 1990, and has a total of 3,336 hours on the airframe. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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