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Airborne 03.21.17: Longmont NIMBYs, Lost Orbiter, Airline Transparency

Also: VIP TFR Relief, Aero-Calendar, ACC CoC, C17 Drone Inspection, Flamingo Air, TSA Shame, NBAA Scholarships One of the most persistent, if not outright obnoxious, anti-airport NIMBY fights just won’t go away... even after numerous legal defeats and many thousands of dollars of losses. Members of the group Citizens for Quiet Skies in Boulder County, CO are not giving up in their quest to force Mile-Hi Skydiving to stop flying near their homes. In 2015, a Boulder District Court Judge denied every claim brought in a lawsuit by the group, which contends that Mile-Hi Skydiving owner Frank Casares is a nuisance, and negligent in the way he runs the business. The group says the company's airplanes are "unusually loud" when flying over their homes. Judge Judith LaBuda disagreed, and told all parties they should "move on" from the matter, but instead, CQS took the case to the Colorado Court of Appeals, where they were also rebuffed. A new application of interplanetary radar, pioneered by scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, have successfully located spacecraft orbiting the moon -- one active, and one dormant. "We have been able to detect NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter [LRO] and the Indian Space Research Organization's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft in lunar orbit with ground-based radar," said Marina Brozovic, a radar scientist at JPL and principal investigator for the test project. Rep. Rick Larsen (D-WA) has introduced the "Know Before You Fly Act" ... legislation he says is aimed at boosting consumer protections for air travelers. Larsen, the ranking Democrat on the House Transportation Committee's Aviation Subcommittee, introduced H.R. 1420 with Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR). All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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