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Airborne 03.17.17: GA v Privatization, Apollo Reunion, B-29 Doc Is 'Legal'

Also: SpaceX Reusable, Huerta Address, FreeFlight Systems, Concorde Battery, WingX Pro7, Phoenix NIMBYs, Christen Eagle OK... the fight we’ve all been fearing is most definitely, “ON.” Many in the general and business aviation community have been concerned about the Trump Administration's plans for the ‘Next Generation’ of Air Traffic Control -- and with Thursday’s publication of the administration's budget, we now, regretfully, know that Trump will push for the Privatization of ATC... to the potential detriment of many in aviation who are not part of the airlines ‘aerostocracy.’ Hear this... you better NOT miss Oshkosh 2017... because it’s going to be a CLASSIC year! NASA astronauts Buzz Aldrin of Apollo 11, and Harrison “Jack” Schmitt of Apollo 17 -- representing the crews who made the space program’s first and last lunar landings, will attend Oshkosh this year as part of the Apollo program reunion on Friday, July 28. Previously confirmed astronauts attending the event include Frank Borman (Apollo 8), Walt Cunningham (Apollo 7), Fred Haise (Apollo 13), Jim Lovell (Apollo 8 and Apollo 13), and Al Worden (Apollo 15). The B-29, ‘Doc’ has officially completed ‘phase one’ of its flight test operations, with the FAA approving a new airworthiness certificate for the historic warbird. This approval means Doc’s Friends, Inc. can begin touring with the airplane -- albeit with with reduced flight limitations. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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