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Airborne-Unmanned 03.14.17: Class B Drone Ops, UAV Firefight, Kespry/John Deere

Also: Starr Insurance, RPA Pilot Board Selections, FAA-UAS Symposium Update The New Jersey Department of Transportation has embarked on one of the first legal drone operations ever authorized in the busy Newark, New Jersey, airspace, opening up numerous possibilities for future official use of unmanned aircraft systems. The department contracted with S&R Engineering and Principia Inc., to inspect high-mast light poles. Principia was approved by the FAA for a Part 107 Waiver to operate tethered drones within Newark's Class Bravo Airspace. Isn’t it great when a drone story turns out to feature one as a hero? The New York Fire Department used a drone to give firefighters a better view of what was going on the roof of a burning building last week. Fire broke out in a six-story apartment building in the Bronx. It quickly spread through four floors of the building. Thanks to an exclusive global strategic alliance, commercial UAS developer Kespry, will begin offering its Aerial Intelligence System to John Deere Construction & Forestry dealers, so that they, in turn, can provide Kespry’s UAS to its customers for use on job sites across the world. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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