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Airborne 02.22.17: CAF Dixie Wing P-63A, AF1 Price Cut, SLS Manned Flt?

Also: Drone Light Show, Remotely Piloted Helos, TFR Busts, Gulfstream, XTI Aircraft, CA Airlines, Icelandair After more than 40 years since it’s last flight, the Commemorative Air Force Dixie Wing Bell P-63A-6 Kingcobra serial number 42-68941 flew for the first time last Saturday. Just after 1300hrs local time, pilot Jim Dale took off from the Atlanta Regional Airport. For this important test flight, the Dixie Wing asked experienced pilot Jim “JD” Dale to perform the all-important first post-restoration flight. JD is the director of maintenance for the Lewis Air Legends Collection and the highest time P-63 pilot in the US. says he has convinced Boeing to cut the price of two new Air Force One 747 aircraft by a billion dollars, and reportedly after only about an hour of negotiations. Trump made the claim during a rally in Melbourne, FL last Saturday. Speaking to a crowd of more than 9,000 people, Trump said he has secured the price reductions from Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg. Acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot distributed a memo last week asking the agency to look into what would be required to have astronauts fly on the first launch of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket currently under development. In the memo, Lightfoot says that in his interactions with the Trump administration, it is clear that NASA is again a priority. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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