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Airborne 02.21.17: NASA 'Space Poop' Challenge, Drone Advisory, Boeing

Also: Alphabet Balloons, Aero-Calendar, DJI-AMA, Solar Research, Dreamliners, F-35, ALPA NASA Johnson Space Center, in partnership with NASA Tournament Lab and online crowdsourcing platform HeroX, has just announced the three winners of its widely publicized... Space Poop Challenge. The global crowdsourcing competition called for solutions to human waste management inside a spacesuit, while protecting the health and safety of its astronaut occupant for up to 6 days. Currently utilized solutions are designed for scenarios lasting less than 1 day. "The response to the Space Poop Challenge exceeded all of our expectations," said NASA Tournament Lab Deputy Director, Steve Rader. The Drone Advisory Committee (DAC) recently held its second meeting in Reno, NV. The DAC is an RTCA Federal Advisory Committee comprised of executives who represent a wide array of stakeholders including: unmanned aircraft manufacturers and operators, traditional aviation groups, labor organizations, radio and navigation equipment manufacturers, airport operators, state and local government officials, and academia. Workers at Boeing South Carolina voted to reject the International Association of Machinists’ (IAM) attempt to unionize the site. A total of 2,828 teammates of the approximately 3,000 eligible to vote cast ballots, with 74 percent (2,097) voting in support of the company. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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