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Airborne 02.20.17: B787-10 Rollout, MultiGP Drone Racing, NIMBYs v Montauk

Also: Wright Prop, Full Stop!, Airbus Sued, Ellen Ochoa, Wright Trophy, New Embraer CEO, Bel Air AW189s The Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner, the third member of the 787 Dreamliner family, made its debut Friday, at Boeing South Carolina. Thousands of employees at the North Charleston, S.C. site celebrated the event, along with President Trump and South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster. The 787-10 will now be prepared for its first flight in the coming weeks. The 2017 MultiGP International Open, will be held at the AMA National Headquarters in Muncie, Indiana, August 9-13, 2017. The MultiGP International Open plans to be a fun and educational time for all involved, with the “Fun Flys” open to all, as well as multiple competitions (both racing and freestyle), workshops, and summit meetings during the event. MultiGP Drone Racing is pulling out all the stops to bring the world one of the most unique drone racing events of the year. The NIMBYs are at it again -- this time, in New York's Long Island. A group which calls itself the "Airport Noise Citizens Advisory Committee" has written a letter to East Hampton recommending that they buy Montauk Airport (KMPT) in an effort to prevent, or at least slow, traffic growth in the future. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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