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Airborne 02.17.17: Privatization Fight Is ON, X-37B Stays Up, TSA Arrests

Also: HeliTrak PMA, Aviation’s Next Big Fight, New KC Airport, Verifly, CFM Orders, Purdue Aviation, P&W Expansion Some of the aviation industry’s worst fears appear to have been confirmed after a recent White House meeting with the executives of many of the country's major airlines. President Donald Trump was reportedly "extraordinarily positive" about the concept of spinning off Air Traffic Control to a private, non-profit corporation. That was the assessment of A4A president and CEO Nick Calio, who attended the meeting. The corporation would likely have strong representation from the airlines, according to a report appearing on Fortune online. Calio said that in his view, Trump is "on track to do that" in reference to backing a bill that would separate ATC from the FAA. The word had gone out that the X-37B mini-shuttle would be landing at Kennedy Space Center on Tuesday, but it turned out to be a false alarm -- again. The USAF said that sending out notices to clear the airspace were a component of an exercise for the program. "The X-37 is still on-orbit," said Capt. Annmarie Annicelli, an Air Force spokeswoman at the Pentagon. "The program is conducting a regularly scheduled exercise this week." It’s just one more reason not to trust the TSA. Last week, a federal grand jury in the District of Puerto Rico returned a superseding indictment against twelve defendants charged with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine. During the course of the conspiracy, the defendants smuggled suitcases, each containing at least 8 to 15 kilograms of cocaine, through the TSA security system at the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport. Sometimes as many as five mules were used on each flight, with each mule checking-in up to two suitcases. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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