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Airborne 08.29.14: Google Drone!, Cessna's 10,000th, Bearhawk LODA

Also: Big Boeing Order, Napa Tower Quaked, Landsberg Retires, Galileo Falters Breaking News! Google has unveiled an exciting new UAV project, called Project Wing, which has been under development in Australia--reportedly a more productive environment to work because of the confusion spawned by the US FAA... The 10,000th single-engine Cessna aircraft has been delivered from Textron Aviation's Independence, Kansas facility since its first delivery in June 1996. Liberty University took delivery of this milestone aircraft, a Cessna Skyhawk, along with two other Cessna Skyhawks, adding to its growing flight training fleet. Bearhawk builder, owner, and certified flight instructor, Jared Yates of Hickory, North Carolina has received a Letter of Deviation Authority (LODA) from the FAA allowing him to provide commercial transition flight instruction in his four-place Bearhawk. Without the LODA, commercial training in an experimental amateur built aircraft is not allowed. The FAA is still churning its way through the process of determining rules for UAVs in the National Airspace System, but that hasn't slowed down some companies from making long-range plans for the aircraft popularly known as "drones." According to reports, the latest is Disney, which through its subsidiary Disney Enterprises has filed for three UAV-related patents. All this... and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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