News Headlines

Airborne 07.28.14, OSH14 Day One: MVP Unveil, One Week Wonder, Bendix-King!

Also: Jack Pelton Speaks Out-Part 1, Congressman Todd Rokita, Turbo-Sonex, Superior Skyhawk Engine Replacement, Avidyne Cert! A new sport plane that is designed to operate from runways, water, snow and ice has been introduced at EAA AirVenture. The MVP Aero is claiming it’s the world's Most Versatile Plane. This new class of all-season airplane is targeted for people who love the outdoors and want to enjoy it with an airplane. More than just an amphibian, the unique lifting canopy turns the forward part of the fuselage into a deck that can also be converted into a closed camper. On the first day of EAA AirVenture the One Week Wonder project started to spread its wings. The event began at 8 o’clock sharp when EAA Chairman, Jack Pelton, started the master timekeeping clock. The one week wonder Zenith 750 Cruzer would begin life as any kit purchaser would receive the materials. BendixKing confirmed that its KSN 770/765 has earned TSO certification. The KSN 770 & KSN 765 are WAAS-Enabled Integrated Multi-Function Display Navigators that optimize flight data and situational awareness from departure to arrival -- and then they showed us the cool stuff! All this... and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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